Red Bull BC One Latin America
Red Bull BC One Latin America Final comes to Lima, Peru, to determine who will become the best B-Boy of the region. The event marks the last of six regional Finals and is the last stop on the road to Rome, home to the World Final. Sixteen competitors enter the stage, only one will is the winner.
B-Boy originated in the Bronx, New York, in the early 70's where DJ Kool Herc would play the 'break' songs. His songs had no lyrics and were beats only, exciting people to dance. Those who would dance to those 'breaks' came to be B-boy or B-girl.
B-Boys and judges from all over the world come to Coliseo Miguel Grau del Callao in Lima, Peru, to find out who is the B-Boy winner this year. Our team designed the look and feel of this event, which received over five thousand people.